Ceasefire Now

We are dedicated to putting pressure on locally elected representatives to end the Palestinian genocide


Our People’s Tribunal Toolkit is Now LIVE!

Tribunal Trailer

In a historic vote Saturday, March 30th during the People’s Tribunal Against Rep. Eric Swalwell, over 100 citizens found him guilty of complicity in the Palestinian genocide and failure to represent his constituency. This is the first time in the U.S that a People’s Tribunal has held a member of the U.S Congress individually accountable for genocide, and sets an ethical and political precedent that will be applied to other members of Congress and elected officials.

Tribunal organizers and supporters included members of: East Bay 4 Ceasefire Now, National Lawyers Guild – San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, Jewish Voice for Peace Bay, East Bay Families 4 Ceasefire, If Not Now, Unite Here Local 2, Hero Tent, Council on American Islamic Relations, Tax Resistance for Palestinian Liberation, Silicon Valley Democratic Socialists of America, East Bay Democratic Socialists of America, Coalition4Ceasefire, and the Oakland Education Association.

The trial included testimony and arguments from key witnesses and members of the prosecution team, plus a detailed audiovisual and documentary record based on Swalwell’s own public statements and legislative activity. The testimony included detailed personal accounts from Swalwell’s constituents, as well as excerpts from sworn declarations submitted in federal court. 

Rep. Swalwell was served at both his DC and District Offices on March 8th. Despite the service and multiple reminders to his staff, Swalwell failed to face his constituents.

The trial was based on Senate ratification of the UN Genocide Convention in 1986 and its incorporation into the federal criminal code in 1988, which was sponsored by then-Senator Joseph R. Biden. Public officials must be held accountable for their actions and failures to act which have aided and abetted ongoing genocide in Gaza and Palestine through arms transfers, and any form of military, economic, and political aid implicated in this mass atrocity. 

The People’s Tribunal initiative was also based on the federal case that is on appeal to the Ninth Circuit alleging complicity in genocide by high level Biden Administration officials, including the President, Secretary of State, and Secretary of Defense.

People’s Tribunals have a longstanding legacy throughout the world dating back to the Nuremberg trials and the Russell Tribunal of the 1960’s which held the Johnson administration responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes in the Vietnam War.

Photography by Savannah Kuang

Solidarity Message from Brazil


Statement on the People’s Court Hearings in Castro Valley, United States
March 30, 2024

The Research Group on New Latin American Constitutionalism and Decolonization of Law, at the Federal University for Latin American Integration (UNILA), in Brazil, brings together academics, undergraduate and postgraduate students, and faculty members from this university, as well as collaborators from other institutions in Brazil and abroad, with the purpose of connecting research, practices, and reflections on constituent, democratic processes, and human rights issues.

As part of a university institution dedicated to academic exchange and international solidarity cooperation, and whose mission is to build dialogues between knowledge based on ethical principles to ensure dignified living conditions and global social justice, the research group considers it essential to position itself regarding the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people.

We do not intend to repeat here the endless list of crimes against humanity pronounced against the State of Israel, such as the shooting of civilians and mass killings, desecration of hospitals, places of worship, and schools, attacks on health personnel and the press, blockade, and restrictions imposed on the entry of humanitarian aid, recently documented by the UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese, reaffirming the recent decisions of the International Court of Justice and the resolution of the Security Council for an immediate ceasefire.

Recently, in Brazil, although President Lula, as head of state, has positioned himself forcefully and explicitly regarding the Palestinian genocide, local leaders, such as the governors of the states of São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas, and of Goias, Ronaldo Caiado, have practiced various acts of complicity with the genocide, culminating in their visit to the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, last March 19. These acts seem to indicate a violation of the Convention for the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

In this sense, the People’s Court of Castro Valley, focused on the complicity of the United States congressman Eric Swalwell, is a fundamental global precedent for countries to observe acts of complicity with genocide beyond the figures of their heads of state. Furthermore, we have been informed that its Gaza Community Education Campaign, based on the teachings of Paulo Freire, expands the dimensions of community work to international solidarity, which can greatly inspire other places and initiatives.

Research Group on New Latin American Constitutionalism and Decolonization of Law
Federal University for Latin American Integration (UNILA)


🍉🕊️At East Bay 4 Ceasefire Now, our goal for our People’s Tribunal is for it to become a catalyst that ignites people across the county, state, and country to follow suit. We intend to release a toolkit and guide to help other communities hold their elected representatives accountable for their part in the ongoing Palestinian genocide. We want to bring justice to communities who have been ignored, and help people feel empowered in their voice. 

Holding Accountability & Demanding Justice

💥 East Bay 4 Ceasefire Now has actively engaged with Swalwell through rallies, meetings, and written communication, demanding a permanent and immediate ceasefire, humanitarian aid access to Gaza, and the cessation of military aid to Israel.

😒 Despite these efforts, Swalwell has ignored the voices of his constituents, as well as expert opinions in the field. Even Vice President Kamala Harris has acknowledged the crisis in Gaza as a “humanitarian catastrophe.”

Photography by Ratha Lai & Glenn

Our Demands


Immediate Unconditional Ceasefire

We demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza to halt the ongoing bombardment of and military incursion in Gaza and prevent further loss of innocent lives. The indiscriminate violence must cease, and efforts for peaceful dialogue and negotiations between conflicting parties should be prioritized.


Release of Hostages on Both Sides

Currently, there are over 6,000 Palestinians, including many children, indefinitely detained without charge or trial under so-called “administrative detention,” held in conditions Amnesty International has described as “tortuous.” This is precisely a form of hostage-taking by the Israeli government, and for a truly just release of hostages, we must demand the release of all hostages, Palestinian and Israeli. But this in itself is not enough, we demand an end to the cruelty and the injustice of the Israeli “justice system,” which can only be achieved through an end to the occupation and the concrete sovereignty of the Palestinian people…


Humanitarian Aid and Relief

It is imperative to ensure unhindered access to essential humanitarian aid, including food, medical supplies, electricity, water, and fuel, to alleviate the suffering of affected civilians. The blockade on Gaza must be lifted to allow for the unimpeded flow of humanitarian assistance.


Divestment of Military Aid to Israel

The rationale to stop the US support for Israel is best summed in the words of Josh Paul, who resigned from the Department of State after serving 11 years in the Bureau of Political-Military affairs. “We cannot be both against occupation, and for it. We cannot be both for freedom, and against it. And we cannot be for a better world, while contributing to one that is materially worse.”


Investigation and Accountability

There is an urgent need for an independent investigation into alleged violations of international humanitarian law and human rights abuses. Those responsible for any violations or crimes against humanity must be held accountable through transparent and fair processes.

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