People’s Tribunal

We TOOK congressman eric swalwell to the people’s court

We, the community, found Swalwell GUILTY of:

❌ Complicity in the Palestinian genocide
❌ Failure to represent his constituency

Full Recording

In a historic vote Saturday, March 30th during the People’s Tribunal Against Rep. Eric Swalwell, over 100 citizens found him guilty of complicity in the Palestinian genocide and failure to represent his constituency. This is the first time in the U.S that a People’s Tribunal has held a member of the U.S Congress individually accountable for genocide, and sets an ethical and political precedent that will be applied to other members of Congress and elected officials.

Tribunal organizers and supporters included members of: East Bay 4 Ceasefire Now, National Lawyers Guild – San Francisco Bay Area Chapter, Jewish Voice for Peace Bay, East Bay Families 4 Ceasefire, If Not Now, Unite Here Local 2, Hero Tent, Council on American Islamic Relations, Tax Resistance for Palestinian Liberation, Silicon Valley Democratic Socialists of America, East Bay Democratic Socialists of America, Coalition4Ceasefire, and the Oakland Education Association.

The trial included testimony and arguments from key witnesses and members of the prosecution team, plus a detailed audiovisual and documentary record based on Swalwell’s own public statements and legislative activity. The testimony included detailed personal accounts from Swalwell’s constituents, as well as excerpts from sworn declarations submitted in federal court. 

Rep. Swalwell was served at both his DC and District Offices on March 8th. Despite the service and multiple reminders to his staff, Swalwell failed to face his constituents.

The trial was based on Senate ratification of the UN Genocide Convention in 1986 and its incorporation into the federal criminal code in 1988, which was sponsored by then-Senator Joseph R. Biden. Public officials must be held accountable for their actions and failures to act which have aided and abetted ongoing genocide in Gaza and Palestine through arms transfers, and any form of military, economic, and political aid implicated in this mass atrocity. 

The People’s Tribunal initiative was also based on the federal case that is on appeal to the Ninth Circuit alleging complicity in genocide by high level Biden Administration officials, including the President, Secretary of State, and Secretary of Defense.

People’s Tribunals have a longstanding legacy throughout the world dating back to the Nuremberg trials and the Russell Tribunal of the 1960’s which held the Johnson administration responsible for genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes in the Vietnam War.

Spanish Language Interpretation

Zaina’s Testimony

Post Verdict Speeches

Informational Video

We deem those who obstruct the international community’s unrelenting cries for Justice as now subject to Justice themselves

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